Welcome to Badgers!
Badgers class
Badgers class is Woodlands schools’ Early Years Foundation Stage class. We welcome pupils between the ages of 2-5years old for both Reception and Nursery placements. Children attend full time in Reception and for 15 hours or 30 hours in Nursery.
Badgers class is a fun place to learn through play, we have a busy unit led curriculum and enjoy accessing a wide range of activities throughout our school week.
Our EYFS follows the seven areas of learning. Each child has their own EYFS targets alongside their EHCP learning outcomes. Children are assessed throughout their time in Badgers to see what they enjoy doing and how they access these different activities. We use Tapestry to record assessment progress and send pictures of learning home for parents to see. We take many pictures to share with parents to show what the children have been up to!
Please see below each area of the Early Years and examples of the fun activities you will find happening within our classroom.
Communication and language:
We use a range of different communication methods in class including using Makaton, Objects of Reference and PODD or electronic PODD devices including Eye Gaze. During activities, we model aided language displays to discuss the activity and encourage the children to develop their knowledge and understanding of language. We work hard throughout the day and communicate throughout.
We make choices, give our opinions and discuss our feelings.
Daily literacy sessions combine our topic based story and our schools Comprehensive Literacy approach for teaching Literacy. Each day we explore different letters and sounds and enjoy mark-making and sharing stories with one another. We also follow the Little Wandle Phonics programme and explore Foundations for Phonics, learning two sounds for the day and exploring environmental sounds.
The children love looking at Billy the Badgers’ adventures each week. We also like to share and look at our Chatterbox book to communicate about our family with others. These sessions allow us to develop communication and social interaction.
We learn a range of mathematical concepts through story and play. Our continuous provision is set up to allow children to access a range of free flow activities both with and without adult support. Our maths table is a highlight and children often enjoy exploring colours and shape through games and iPad apps. We also have our variety of maths activities outside including our sand and water tables to work on early maths skills and develop play.
We enjoy number song sessions alongside our colour and shape individual learning activities.
Understanding the world
We develop our understanding of the world through our unit-based learning. As discussed on our unit overviews available on the website, each term a new is explored through play. We will access activities through stories, art and our outside learning. We have a weekly focus related to our story and explore unit related learning in our continuous provision area.
We also enjoy sharing topic themed days with Key Stage 1 throughout the term!
Expressive arts and design
We love arts and crafts. We are a very messy class who enjoy a range of messy play activities. Each week we have lots of painting, colouring and messy play linked to our unit of the term. We also love exploring music in our music sessions and decorating our classroom with all of our wonderful artwork. We enjoy fortnightly cooking sessions, dancing and being as creative as possible.
Physical development
We have access to sensory circuits, for those who require them, and also enjoy using the soft play area and Bugzis to work on our gross motor skills.
Reception aged children enjoy swimming sessions in the pool. We enjoy being with our friends, signing songs and developing our confidence and play in the water. We love the sensory lights and music too!
Badgers love being outside! We particularly enjoy the bikes, slides and climbing apparatus. Similarly, we enjoy being with our friends sharing a ball and playing in the sandpit.
Personal social emotional development.
In Badgers class, we follow the Zones of Regulation and talk about our feelings every day.
We are learning to spend time alongside our peers and work together. We enjoy our group communication sessions, shared story time and group games each week. We love sharing instruments during music class and will spend time together when outside playing. We encourage all of the children to be aware of those around them and to develop these skills throughout play. All of our learning encourages children to work together and wait their turn, share their activity and develop their communication.
Each term we host a stay and play. We love welcoming all of the children and parents into class to access activities together, socialise and get to know one another. Our therapists, class team, parent support advisor and leadership team often visit to discuss and chat with families. We spend time outside, accessing toys, arts and crafts and even have biscuits!
Our class friend:
Each week Billy the Badger will take a trip to a new friend’s house. We encourage all parents and children to get involved and provide us with some news to share during our communication sessions each Monday morning. We love sharing the stories of Billy and his friend and always wonder where he will visit each week.
We hope you have enjoyed learning about our EYFS class here at Woodlands school and we welcome any visitors.
Badgers Class Newsletters
Meet the Staff
Lesley-Ann Hyde Emma Dawson Michelle Fry
Class Teacher Class Teacher Classroom Assistant