Physiotherapy at Woodlands school
The Physiotherapy team at Woodlands School is made up of Amy Bell, Paediatric Physiotherapist, Becky Fisk, Paediatric Physiotherapist, and Sarah Jane Pullen, Physiotherapy Technical Instructor. The Physiotherapy Team are part of Children and Family Health Surrey, under CSH Surrey.
Our Aims
To improve the function and general wellbeing of our pupils by working on gross motor development and postural management in order to maximise each child’s potential and enable them to access the school curriculum to the best of their ability.
To liaise closely with parents, carers and teaching staff in a multi-professional environment to provide a comprehensive service.
Our role
We assess your child’s physical skills and gross motor development and devise individual programmes in conjunction with other therapists and school staff.
We provide training to teaching staff and assistants to enable our recommendations to be carried out during the school day as well as to parents in home programmes.
We advise on the best way to position and handle your child and promote a 24 hour postural management programme.
We invite parents into school for assessments for suitable equipment for mobility or postural control with specialists companies, for school or home use, or we may arrange this as a home visit if more appropriate. Equipment may include walking aids, specialist tricycles, standing frames, seating and sleep systems. We will provide written justifications for identified equipment in order to seek funding from Education, Health or a charity.
We hold fortnightly clinics with the Orthotist from Epsom General Hospital.
We work jointly with the swimming teacher at Woodlands with advice and delivery of individual hydrotherapy programmes when appropriate.
We are lucky to be part of a well established Physiotherapy service at Woodlands and enjoy a good working relationship with fellow health professionals, parents, carers and teaching staff which benefits all the children at Woodlands.
We work in term time, during school hours, Monday to Wednesday and can be contacted on our direct line on 01372 361201. Home visits can also be provided outside of these times when required.