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Woodlands School

Together Everyone Achieves More

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Together Everyone Achieves More


Welcome to Rabbits!

Rabbits Class is a Key Stage 2 class and has 9 children with a variety of physical and complex needs and learning difficulties. The class follows the KS2 curriculum but lessons are adapted to every individual pupil.  In Rabbits Class pupils learn through an interactive learning environment where each individual child's communication, physical and sensory needs are supported through a range of fun and engaging experiences.


The children's learning is delivered through individual targets, which are planned collaboratively with a range of therapists, home, and school in order to ensure that pupils are working on what is most important to them, they are challenged and they enjoy what they do.

We encourage all the pupils to be as independent as possible and promote independence at every opportunity.

We also have a very strong emphasis on developing communication and literacy skills.  We use Comprehensive Literacy activities and a total communication approach.  We use a range of approaches including Intensive Interaction, Makaton signing, PODD and aided language displays and voice output communication aids. Within the class routine, we provide regular opportunities for choice making, initiation, turn taking and interaction with each other.


Rabbits Class newsletter

Meet the Staff


                                                                         Katie Bedford             Ruth Woolnough

                                                                         Class Teacher           Classroom Assistant