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Together Everyone Achieves More

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy


Paediatric Occupational Therapists (OT) assess and treat children who have difficulties that affect their ability to do every day functional activities. OTs  help the child achieve or maintain their maximum level of independence so they can access the school curriculum to his/her full potential.

Home/ school programmes and class-based interventions are used to ensure consolidation of skills and carryover into the child's daily life. Therapy outside the classroom is occasionally needed for specific assessments and interventions e.g. splinting. The OTs work as part of a multidiscplinary team, alongside Teaching Staff, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Educational Pyschologists and School Nurses. They work closely with families and carers and school staff to encourage continuity of programmes and goals between home and school settings, as this ensures maximum benefits for the child.

The key areas of intervention provided by the Occupational Therapist at Woodlands School include:

 1.Seating- assessment of posture and recommendations of suitable seating systems to enable access to  the educational curriculum.

 2.Assistive Technology - to increase independence using of switches to access toys, computer software and communication aids (joint with SLT)

 3.Self care skills including advice and equipment recommendations to promote skills in feeding, dressing and toiletting.

 4.Sensory Processing - advice and programmes to address sensory difficulties that affect a child's ability to learn.

 5.Upper Limb Splinting - to maintain movement of hand and wrist joints  and promote function.

 6.Fine Motor skills- with advice and strategies to support development of handskills.

There are currently 3 Occupational Therapists who work at Woodlands school. Our working days are Monday, Thursday and Friday. Occupational Therapists can be contacted on 01372 361201during term time (shared with physiotherapy).