Vision Statement
WEBSITE – Introduction to PSHE
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) is central to all aspects of pupil learning at Woodlands School, both in the classroom and beyond. It is taught both as timetabled weekly lessons and across the school day in every aspect of school life.
From September 2020, the Health Education and Relationships Education (primary) and the secondary Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) (secondary) aspects of PSHE education are compulsory in all schools.
The PSHE curriculum has been adapted to meet individual pupil needs. It takes a spiral approach, gradually revisiting topics at a deeper level at each key stage or year group, whilst rehearsing, emphasising and embedding the essential skills and attributes young people need to manage their lives, both now and in the future.
Vision Statement
Through the PSHE / Citizenship curriculum, we aim to:
- develop pupils’ understanding of the world and of personal, social, health, emotional and citizenship concepts and relevant vocabulary
- provide pupils with a relevant, age appropriate and broad curriculum
- understand issues relating to their own health, personal care, sexual development and relationships.
- enable pupils to make choices
- provide pupils with strategies to maintain personal wellbeing, promote resilience and equip pupils with skills to keep themselves and others safe
- promote an atmosphere celebrating equality and diversity
- enable learners to form appropriate relationships and give them a sense of dignity and respect for each other.
- develop personal responsibility, self confidence and assertiveness.
- empower learners so they have more control over their own life.
- enhance their self esteem.