Q1: What is Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)?
Relationships and Sex Education at Woodlands School aims to support pupils with the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships and sexual health.
In Woodlands Lower School, pupils will be taught about Relationships Education;
- Families and friends
- Kind and unkind behaviour
- Who to ask for help
- Safe relationships – private parts are private and safety on the internet
In addition, the Health and Wellbeing topics will cover:
- Hygiene and self care
- My body
- Gender
- Growing and changing
- Puberty for Key Stage 2
In Woodlands Upper School, pupils will learn about:
- Different types of relationship
- How parents help us
- Sexual health
- Puberty and reproduction
- Growing up
- Babies
The aim of Relationships and Sex Education across Woodlands School is to prepare pupils for how they will grow and change as well as learning about safe relationships of all kinds.
Q2: Why teach SRE?
Relationships and Sex Education is particularly important for our pupils at Woodlands School. We aim to equip them with knowledge about their changing bodies as well as discussing positive relationships of all kinds. We work with pupils to promote their ability to make choices and identify who they can ask for help.
Q3: How can I find out what is actually being taught?
The PSHE Curriculum overview is available to view on the school website. If you have any questions, please contact your child’s class teacher or the PSHE lead.
Q4: What is the right age to start teaching Relationship and Sex Education?
Children are interested in 'where babies comes from' and what makes boys and girls different from a very young age. At Woodlands, we aim to support our pupils to gain knowledge in an age appropriate way, to keep them safe and to provide information about their changing bodies, as well as supporting them to identify who they can ask for help.
Q5: Will my child be taught sex education at primary?
Teaching in Woodlands Lower School will focus on Relationships education. In addition, Key Stage 2 will start to learn about puberty.
Relationships and Sex Education is taught through a spiral curriculum which develops with the child. It begins with teaching children about appropriate behaviour, safety, their bodies and how families care for them.
Q6: Are schools required to promote marriage in their SRE programmes?
At Woodlands, we will learn about marriage as well as different types of families.
Q: Will my child be taught about LGBT relationships?
At Woodlands, teaching will refer to all types of families and relationships in an age appropriate way, suitable for the developmental stage of our pupils. Teaching is tailored to individual need and is designed to foster respect for others, our similarities and differences.
Q7: Does the Relationships and Sex Education curriculum take account of my faith?
PSHE is designed to help children from all backgrounds build positive and safe relationships. At Woodlands, we will strive to take account of any concerns you might have, so please contact do contact the Headteacher, PSHE lead or class teacher.
Q8: What does the law say about teaching SRE?
From September 2020, the Health Education and Relationships Education (primary) and the secondary Relationships and Sex Education (SRE) (secondary) aspects of PSHE education will be compulsory in all schools.
Q: Can parents withdraw their child from SRE?
Parents/carers have the right to withdraw their child from SRE lessons;
- Parents will not be able to withdraw their child from Relationships Education
- Parents will be able to withdraw their child from primary school classes which address sex education, but not from aspects within the Relationships Education curriculum or National Curriculum Science.
- At secondary school level, parents will be able to withdraw their child from sex education (other than the sex education which sits in the National Curriculum as part of science). However a child will also have a right to opt into sex education from their 15th birthday (specifically three academic terms before they turn 16).
If a parent/carer wishes to withdraw their child they need to have a discussion with the Headteacher, so that they can be made aware of the reasons and provide alternative arrangements.
Q9: How can we support the teaching of Relationships and sex education at home? Who can we ask for support?
Your child may have questions for you at home or you may feel it is appropriate to provide your child with information about puberty and sexual health. Please contact your child’s class teacher or the Headteacher for help and support if needed.
Q10: How can I give feedback about SRE teaching?
Woodlands School welcomes feedback from parents / carers. Please feel free to complete the Parent / carer feedback form which can be printed out from the PSHE section of the website. Alternatively, contact reception who will be able to provide you with a copy.
Please hand in your completed forms to reception, or email them to the PSHE lead at katie.bedford@woodlands.surrey.sch.uk