Friends of Woodlands
Welcome to the Friends of Woodlands Page
All families and staff become members of the “Friend of Woodlands” (FoW) on joining the school and we welcome anyone associated with the school to join the Friends.
The FoW committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting and is currently made up of parents and staff. In the past we have had therapists, grandparents, minibus drivers, older sisters and other family members – interested people who have a little time and enjoy getting together to plan and run events. These are all social events aimed at families enjoying themselves together and raising money for the school. Many of the parents enjoy coming together and helping to provide those extra, valuable resources that the school budget doesn’t cover. We are always pleased when the families of pupils who have moved on keep in touch and come along to volunteer and join in with the fund raising and events. FoW also organise the "bags to school" collection twice a year which raises a substantial amount of money for the funds.
The committee meets about once every half term to plan fundraising and social events and review the accounts. They also choose projects and hear the resource requests from teachers and therapists in order to allocate the funds raised. Whilst the meetings follow an agenda to conduct the FoWs business, when coming up with new ideas to raise funds for our school, they are also fun and creative.
FoW have been very active over the years, for example, by leading fundraising projects to upgrade and build a permanent structure for the swimming pool and buy the newest of our mini buses.
They regularly pay for much needed equipment for example, last year they bought iPads for the speech and language therapists to use in their work with our children and 10 iPads for the school. You will know how much Woodlands’ pupils value all of these purchases.
We are always keen to have a few more staff and parents of children throughout the school involved with the committee. It is important that the FoWs represents the whole school community and that during the year we organise something for everyone.
Details of our events can be found on the Parents' Notice Board in the entrance to the Upper School, in Spotlight and on the school events calendar on this website. We also send texts and fliers to inform and remind families of future events.
We invite all parents, families and staff to come along and get involved.